A Gallery of Street Fighter Shirts
Wednesday May 17, 2023
I am one of the fags who likes a good video game shirt. There is a fine line between cool and gay as fuck. Sometimes I see Street Fighter shirts that I have never seen anywhere else or shirts that I can’t even believe are real. I’ll start out with the good and then move onto the very bad. For the record, most of these images aren’t mine. I’m stealing them off Mercari. The first 4 shirt I actually own and wear.
Street Fighter x HUF - Cammy and Chun Li
This is my favorite one. I don’t care about HUF but I love Kinu Nishimura and Cammy. I also like how the design is on the back. I feel like you can get away with craizer shit (like Cammy’s ass) when it’s on the back. If I get a stain on this one I will kill myself.
Street Fighter x HUF - Just Cammy
Not as good as the other one but I like how bright it is. Cammy is jacked as shit and it doesn’t overdo it on Street Fighter II stuff. I think this is the only yellow shirt I own. I smoked the shit out of some pussy at an arcade while wearing this shirt and that loser didn’t fist bump me after he spent like $20 trying to beat me. I don’t even play Super Turbo, he was just ass.
Killer Bee / Delta Red Cammy
Another one with the main design on the back. I love the sketchy Street Fighter II art. This picture makes her look a little fucked up but you get the idea. on the front is a red triangle in the same spot as Cammy’s leotard. Nice touch. A good addition to my collection of tasteful Cammy bullshit.
Graphic Design is Ken’s Passion
Seriously what in the world were they smoking when they made this shirt? I unironically love it because of how ridiculous it is but also because it’s technically a Third Strike shirt. That Street Fighter logo isn’t used in any other games and “fight for the future” is the tagline for 3S. That’s Alpha Ken, though. Close enough.
SF2 Crop Top
AKA “It’s cool if you’re a girl.” I got this for my girlfriend and she looks cute as fuck in it, obviously. Girls can pull off shit that nerdy guys like me could never, and I’m not just saying that because it’s a crop top. You know what I mean.
Street Fighter 4
Now we’re getting into “weird but kind of interesting” territory. I guess this one would be cool if you were really into SF4. It’s loud and obnoxious but not in the regular gamer shirt way. It would be cooler if it had the Street Fighter 4 logo and not the generic Street Fighter logo.
Capcom x Bait - PLAYER
I’m not really familiar with Bait but I have seen a couple of the collaboration shirts and this one stuck out to me. No Street Fighter logo. No Ryu. That makes it kind of cool. Once again the design is mostly on the back. It’s just a strange design. I like the color. I won’t lie, if I saw this for sale in XL, I’d probably buy it.
Street Fighter II Bullshit
I can’t think of interesting titles for all of these because they all mush together into the same lame shit.
There are so many god damn Street Fighter 2 shirts and I swear all of them suck. It’s like they’re all screaming “YEAH DUDE I LOVE STREET FIGHTER” even though they’re made for people who played “Rye-oo” in World Warrior and mashed buttons.
This one is loud and annoying because it literally spells out the thing that’s happening in all caps, but what’s happening isn’t even interesting. I know it’s all nostalgia bait but this one seems extra low effort.
There are about 800 million shirts that feature the World Warriors + the Street Fighter II logo with nothing else.
I think if the shirt has a special move command it’s bad by default.
This is the worst one I have ever seen with my own eyes. America just gets so fucked with merch. What is up with the red bars? Is that how strong the move is? I think that’s Udon art, which is pretty hit or miss and in this case I think it’s a miss. The layout sucks. Everything sucks. Fuck you Hot Topic.
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