New Instruction Strips

Sunday July 2, 2023

It’s been a while. I got the new instruction strips and stuff and now both sides are looking pretty good. I put in the new coin slots and cleaned the coin return buttons too.

The new strip under the old glass

This side still had glass and 2 metal holders. The glass isn’t in perfect condition, but it’s good enough. The other side was super beat, with no glass and only 1 rusted metal holder. That side is looking pretty good now too, but there’s rust around the control panel which looks pretty bad. My dad suggested using steel wool or bead blasting it, so I’ll look into that.

Shitty rust

The medium punch button is still messed up, and I have a feeling it might just be the MiSTercade acting up. I’ll know for sure when I get the Blast City.

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