Quieting Down the Cab

Wednesday November 20, 2024

There’s not much to say here, but this tiny change has made a huge difference so I wanted to post about it. The Versus City fans are extremely loud. They’ve been loud since day one, and the solution was simply unplugging them. The fans up top are only for keeping the winner lamps cool, but since I’m not running a game that uses the lamps, there is no reason to have them running.

Fans unplugged

Not the best picture, but you get the idea. It’s the little black connector. There’s one for each fan. After unplugging them, this cab is SILENT. Now I don’t have to overpower the fan sounds with music or game audio. The main reason I’m making this post is because there is a chance that someone else out there has a noisy Versus City and didn’t know unplugging the fans was an option.

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